
The Asian Bulletin of Big Data Management (ABBDM) is recognized, registered, indexed, abstracted, listed, cataloged and covered in:

Scholarly indexing databases & Abstracts:

  1. Crossref
  2. CAB Abstracts and Global Health databases
  3. Open Aire
  4. Research Gate
  5. Science Gate
  6. Scilit
  7. Index Copernicus International 
  8. Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory 
  9. Pak Medi Net 
  10. PKP Index 
  11. EuroPub UK 
  12. Copyright Clearance Center 
  13. Semantic Scholar
  14. HOLLIS, Harvard University, USA 
  15. German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB) 
  16. Universitäts bibliothek Leipzig 
  17. Electronic Journals Library 
  18. Bibliothek System University of Hamburg 
  19. Katalog Plus 
  20. Fatcat!
  21. WikiData 
  22. Scite_
  23. IPI Indexing 
  24. Academia
  25.  LIVIVO
  26. Dimensions 
  27. XJournals 
  28. ASOS Index (Turkey) 
  29. Open Academic Journals Index
  30. Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI)
  31. WHO - IMEMR Directory
  32. National Library of Medicine NIH | NLM
  33. Citefactor



37. National Digital Archive of Pakistan
38. Internet Archive
39. Way Back Machine
40. Open Archives  
41. World Cat 
43. Keepers Registry

44. Sherpa Romeo

Scholarly search engines:

45. Google Scholar
46. Internet Archive Scholar 
47. Microsoft Academic 

Registered with:

48. International Serials Data System of France 

49. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)


50. Initiative for Open Citations I4OC